1995 , Vol 3 , Num 2
A Case Of Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis
1Ankara Numune Hast. 1 .Göz Kliniği2Gazi ÜTF Göz Hast. AD.
3Gazi ÜTF Çocuk Hast. AD.
4Gazi ÜTF Nöroloji AD. Subacute sclerosmg panencephalıtıs (SSPE) is a rare disease of central nerveous system. The pathogenesis is not clear but rubeola virus is considered. Ocular signs generally appear concomitant with neurological signs. These are cortical blindness, hemianopsia, nystagmus, extraocular muscle paresies, papilledema, optic atrophy, macular chorioretinitis and pigment alterations. Chorioretinitis is the most typical finding and can sometimes precede the norological signs. Here we discuss a 16 year old case of SSPE where visual complaints and macular chorioretinitis preceded neurological findings. SSPE must be included in the differential diagnosis of adolescent chorioretinitis. Keywords : Chorioretinitis, Subacute Sclerosmg Panencephalitis