2M.D. Asistant, Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology, Izmir/TURKEY
3M.D., Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology, Izmir/TURKEY
4M.D. Professor, Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology, Izmir/TURKEY Purpose: To evaluate the effect of primary surgical technique on retinal redetachment development.
Materials and Methods: The charts of 412 patients who underwent surgical repair for rhegmatogeneous retinal detachment were retrospectively reviewed, and 36 cases with retinal redetachment were included. Demographics and ophthalmologic findings were recorded and statistically analyzed after dividing the study population into three groups according to previous surgical technique.
Results: Retinal redetachment was diagnosed in 12/94 patients (12.8%) who underwent pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) (Group 1), 6/38 cases (15.8%) who underwent conventional surgery+encircling buckle implantation (EBI), (Group 2), and 18/280 patients (6.4%) who underwent PPV+EBI (Group 3), (p=0.046). Mean age was 55.5±14.1 years (12-81), and 12 cases were female (33.3%). Baseline best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was logMAR 2.0±1.1, whereas it was measured as logMAR 1.1±0.8 postoperatively (p=0.000). Redetachment was diagnosed in study groups at the mean of 2.6±4.1, 2.6±2.1, and 4.0±5.7 months, respectively (p=0.747). Demarcation laser photocoagulation was applied in one case (2.7%), however PPV was performed in 35 patients (97.3%) in whom SF6 (6 cases; 17.1%) or silicone oil (29 cases; 82.9%) tamponade was used. Retinectomy that had to be performed less commonly in Group 2 cases (p=0.020), was performed in 14 cases (38.9%). There were no statistical significance in the number of additional surgical procedure to attach the retina (p=0.099) and change in BCVA (p=0.474) among the study groups.
Conclusion: Retinal redetachment was less commonly seen in cases who previously underwent PPV+EBI. Besides, retinectomy was rarely needed in patients who underwent conventional surgery+EBI.
Keywords : Retinal redetachment, pars plana vitrectomy, encircling buckle