1997 , Vol 5 , Num 1
An Experimental Model For Retinal Phototoxicity "Phototoxic changes in Bruch membrane"
1GATA Göz Hast. ABD2GATA Mikrobiyoloji. ABD It has been known that the importance of RPE, Bruch's mebrane, and choriocapillaris layers in the histopathology of AMD. Chronic retinal phototoxicity as a causative agent of AMD has been emphasised in the latest epidemiologic studies. There is not any experimental model for AMD yet. We aimed to clarify phototoxic effects of light with different wavelenghts on the rabbit RPE, Bruch's membrane and choriocapillaris endothelium ultrastructurally for any contribution in explainning AMD etiology.
In this study we found that white, red and especially blue light induced damage, breaks and collagen synthesis in Bruch membrane ultrastructurally similar to those seen in AMD. Additionally, collagen synthesis, and thrombocyte aggregation and eosinophil degranulation in choriocapillaris at degeneration areas was noted in red light. Bruch membrane was found intact while limited collagen synthesis was seen in green light. Keywords : Phototoxicity, Photooxidation, Bruch membrane, AMD, Experimental model